Tags: Carloluigi Colombo

3 485 1
Vision through space shuttle window
by Carloluigi Colombo
Vision through space shuttle window Mixed on canvas 80 x 90 cm - 2016
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8 669 3
Pride, Gluttony, Lust
by Carloluigi Colombo
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4 654 1
Sogno 128 Apocalypse scene – The escape of animals
by Carloluigi Colombo
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2 582 0
Verbum caro factum est
by Carloluigi Colombo
Verbum-caro-factum-est Mixed on canvas 80 x 90 cm - 2016
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3 730 2
Original sin
by Carloluigi Colombo
Original sin Mixed on canvas 50 x 70 cm - 2017
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1 692 0
Portrait of a television
by Carloluigi Colombo
Portrait of a television Mixed on canvas 70 x 80 cm - 2017
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2 723 4
My works: the adventures of Pinocchio
by Carloluigi Colombo
The adventures of Pinocchio. Mixed on canvas 80 x 90 cm This is one of my esorinist paintings For prize contact me. Thank you
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